Joanna Valente
Joanna C. Valente’s #SURVIVOR explores what it means to be a survivor of any kind, with an emphasis on survivors of sexual, domestic, and gendertrauma, gender trauma, and what it means for a place and landscape to inhabit trauma just as bodies do. The project highlights people as they are without overly stylizing the photos to empower them, and showcase them as they are in that moment.
About Joanna: Joanna is a human who lives in Brooklyn, New York. They are the author of several collections, including Marys of the Sea, #Survivor, (forthcoming, The Operating System), Killer Bob: A Love Story (forthcoming, Vegetarian Alcoholic Press), and is the editor of A Shadow Map: Writing by Survivors of Sexual Assault.
She can be reached via the following avenues:
Twitter: @joannasaid
IG: joannacvalente
FB: joannacvalente